Dear brothers and sisters in the LORD!
We are currently living in a very critical und perilous time. Many are worried and with good reason look to future with despondency: extremism in all directions, seemingly intractable conflicts, wars, violence, hatred, inflation and financial hardships are increasing rapidly and unsettling so many people. My advice in this undesirable and unfortunate situation, all the same, is to remain calm and serene, no matter what happens. Don’t take everything so much to heart and don’t let it burden you so much. Yes, my appeal is simple: Love one another! Take care of each other and take good care of yourselves! Trust in God and hand him over all your worries! This alone gives great strength, enormous confidence and inner tranquility especially in difficult times.
Nonetheless, we as a community of Christ’s Faithful had despite the present challenges reasons to celebrate this year. We were pleased to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our Chaplaincy, my 20th priestly anniversary as well as my 50th birthday. I would like to use this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all the esteemed men and women who contributed in no small measures to making the triple anniversary celebrations huge success. Thanks immensely for all the attention and appreciation shown me as well as all gestures of solidarity and friendship. May God reward you abundantly.
Now, one may ask: What does the future of our Chaplaincy look like or what is our plan for the future? The establishment of a pastoral care that is guided by good, valuable and constructive co-operation and is characterized by the fraternity of our Christian faith is personally very dear to me. It should be a pastoral ministry that is dedicated to an encounter of Christian co-existence rooted on the equality of all persons and strives to build a relationship that is characterized by love and appreciation, freedom and forgiveness, hope and encouragement.
This is because, it is undisputed that in our today’s very sensitive society with all the concomitant challenges, values such as tolerance, love, humanity, fraternity and the mindful awareness of the dignity of every person are more necessary than ever. Our guiding principle here should be “genuine charity” and “selfless service.” Yes, “real and genuine authority” means nothing else but “service”!
May the celebration of our 10th year anniversary be for us an opportunity to reflect on how best to implement here this Jesus’ injunction: “Whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of all.” The question is: Are we ready to serve, to forgive and to reconcile? Let us bear in mind always the words of St. John Bosco that, “One achieves more with a friendly look, with a good word of encouragement that inspires confidence and trust, than with many reproaches”.
Bearing this in mind, let us be brothers and sisters to one another, invest in each other and seek together as a family the nearness of God.
I, on behalf of the Pastoral Team and the Parish Advisory Council wish you all the best and God’s blessings for the future. Stay healthy and be serene!
I remain yours always,
Father Vitalis Ogochukwu Emesi SMMM