
Annual programme 2025

Dear brothers and sisters in the LORD! We are currently living in a very critical und perilous time. Many are worried and with good reason look to future with despondency: extremism in all directions, seemingly intractable conflicts, wars, violence, hatred, inflation and financial hardships are increasing rapidly and unsettling so many people. My advice in... Continue reading

Annual Programme 2023

My dear brothers and sisters! We are living in an unprecedented and turbulent time. The unforeseeable developments of the past months dictate both the societal and ecclesiastical life. Nothing and nobody is spared from these. Many serious and difficult crises and their consequences are competing to outdo each other. There are so many uncertainties that... Continue reading

Different peoples – one church!

This was the motto of the second International Service in Kriegshaber. In addition to our Catholic African community and the German parish community of Kriegshaber, the parish area is also home to the Italian, Ukrainian and Eritrean communities, who regularly celebrate their services here. This time, the Ukrainian parish with Father Andrij Pizo was the... Continue reading