Annual programme 2025
Dear brothers and sisters in the LORD! We are currently living in a very critical und perilous time. Many are worried and with good reason look to future with despondency: extremism in all directions, seemingly intractable conflicts, wars, violence, hatred, inflation and financial hardships are increasing rapidly and unsettling so many people. My advice in... Continue reading→
With great joy and deep gratitude
My dear sisters and brothers! The celebration of our 10th anniversary on 22.09.2024 brings me nothing but joy and gratitude. and gratitude. It gives me great joy that the Diocese of Augsburg has given us a home in September 2014 has given us a home in which we have the opportunity to actively and to... Continue reading→
The annual regional Mass in Augsburg
A special highlight in the life of our parish is the annual regional service, where all Catholic African parishes from southern Germany meet for a joint service. This meeting is not only an opportunity to celebrate our faith together, but also to get to know each other better, recharge our batteries and learn from each... Continue reading→
Annual Programme 2023
My dear brothers and sisters! We are living in an unprecedented and turbulent time. The unforeseeable developments of the past months dictate both the societal and ecclesiastical life. Nothing and nobody is spared from these. Many serious and difficult crises and their consequences are competing to outdo each other. There are so many uncertainties that... Continue reading→
Visit of the Confirmands from Friedberg
On Sunday January 15th and 22nd confirmands from the PG Staetzling visited the Sunday holy mass of the Catholic African Community. Before the beginning of the holy mass, Natacha Bamy from the African community rehearsed rhythmic chants and songs with the young people. The first mass was celebrated by Father Gerhard Groll, alternating between English... Continue reading→
Bible class for adults
On Thursday evening at 7:30 pm On 01/26, 04/20, 07/20 and 10/19/23. The bible study group will be led by Jomesh Joseph, parish assistent. We are looking forward to your numerous coming!
Parish Festival on July 24th, 2022
We hereby would like to invite you to our Parish Festival on July 24th, 2022, from 2:30 p.m. The pontifical mass will be celebrated by Hwst. Bishop Dr. Bertram Meier (Bishop of Augsburg). Food and drink is well prepared. We would be happy to welcome you!
Different peoples – one church!
This was the motto of the second International Service in Kriegshaber. In addition to our Catholic African community and the German parish community of Kriegshaber, the parish area is also home to the Italian, Ukrainian and Eritrean communities, who regularly celebrate their services here. This time, the Ukrainian parish with Father Andrij Pizo was the... Continue reading→
The Annual Programme 2019 is already there !!!
For more information please follow the link below: final 18_12_Jahresprogramm engl_ January Sunday, 6th of January, 12:30 pm: Mass of the Feast of Epiphany Sunday, 20th of January, 12:30 pm: Mass for the refugees. Friday, 25th of January, 7:00 pm: Discussion and Dialogue with Dr. Walter Semsch, Director of Caritas Organisation. „Caritas” at door step... Continue reading→
May, the month of Mary
Holy Mary, Mother of God, We call upon you as the patroness of Africa and our community. With an open heart you willingly said yes to the will of God to be the mother of Jesus our Saviour. You know our life and history: the joy of good relationships and a good family which gives... Continue reading→